
granted full recognition in 2019

Ukraine Celebrates Christmas on Dec. 25 for the First Time, Distancing Itself From Russia Christmas carries more than spiritual weight for many Ukrainians this year: for the first time, the country is observing it as a public holiday on Dec. 25, rather than the later date followed in Russia KRYVORIVNIA, Ukraine (AP) — Christmas carried more than spiritual weight for many Ukrainians this year as the country newly observed it as a public holiday on Dec. 25 rather than the later date followed in Russia. The change,  enacted in legislation  signed by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in July, reflects both Ukrainians' dismay with the 22-month-old Russian invasion and their assertion of a national identity. LONAVLA Ukraine is predominantly Orthodox Christian, but the faith is divided between two churches, one of which had long affiliation with the Russian Orthodox Church. The Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which didn’t recognize the authority of the Russian church and had been regarded as schi

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